While the last desperate votes are called through, Leona Lewis, getting goosebumps being back on the X Factor stage after her win almost one year ago, lightens the mood. Her new single is going head to head with the Take That boys for the top spot next week. Can Leona's Bleeding Love do it? One things for sure, she was certainly popular in the hall - maybe that cheer said it all! (And Dermot was only joking about getting Simon to judge her - but he did)! "It was just incredible Leona, I'm very proud of you, that was just stunning".
And after the break it was onto the tough stuff! Dermot's made no secret that he doesn't favour this part of his role ( unlike Simon who says he loves being nasty!), and delivering bad news to one of this bunch will be the hardest thing he has to do as X Factor host. best get used to it Dermot - it won't get easier from here on in!
Leon, Alisha, Same Difference and Daniel were among the contestants who fell foul of the judges' comments, and they are feeling particularly shaky as the programme kicks off. But no-one is safe, and it not the judges'opinions, but the public vote, which counts for everything now.
And then the moment can be postponed no more. As Dermot gathers the contestants on stage, hands are clasped in hope and prayer. Of course, the moment is milked for full effect...
...just as we're doing here! Leon was saved, then Daniel... Emily... until In the end it fell to Kimberley and Alisha to fill the dreaded bottom two spots. Their mentor Sharon told Dermot, " I don't think I can be allowed to say what I think because I'd be banned from national television forever".
"I don't bave any advice for them cos what I've said so far has been no good. I think I'm going home now Dermot". And with a hug and a kiss, she left her two girls to sing for survival.
It looks like Kimberley won't be able to make it through her number as she falters on the first words, full of emotion. But thank God for this song - it'd make anyone happy, and soon Kimberley is giving the performance of her life! Would it be enough?
Meanwhile Alisha looked liked she already knew she was going home as walked onto the stage for the second time, but she too pulled a better-than-before performance out of the bag.
Finally it was time for the judges' verdicts... but there's something serious going on.
It looks like Sharon was not joking about walking out. Having left her seat and standing apart from the rest of the crew, Sharon looks ready to leave the studio. As Dermot explains to a confused auditence, "Sharon can't choose between her acts. The final vote will be between three judges, as Sharon has decided to leave the night"
"Leave the show!" shouts over Sharon. Is she for real?
With pressures of time to adhere to, a valiant Dermot tells Sharon, "we'll come back to that later. First I have to do the results..."
And asking the remaining three judges for their votes, he is told...
Simon - "Because it is a singing competition, I'm sending home Kimberley!"
Dannii - "Can I sit this one out too? I can't choose... I have to choose...Alisha"
And the casting vote fell to Louis - they are both terrific, fun girls. It's the fun factor versus the talent factor - the act I'm sending home tonight is... Kimberley.
As the shock kicks in, Kimberley stumbles through a few final questions, revealing her highlight
was "going to Sharon's house and meeting Ozzy - he really is mad".
It would be good if Sharon was there to hear her - but she's not. Mrs Osbourne has already left the building.
And 19-year-old Kimberley Southwick can do no more now. She's back to the X Factor house to pack her bags; for our favourite brummie barmaid, the X Factor journey ends here.
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