While New York didn't accept the proposal, the 25-year-old Utica, NY native and former Flavor of Love fling still presented her final chain to the Queens, NY fashion planner.
"Tailor Made, I completely trust you and I know that you're here for me and you'll never run out on me," explained New York. "But right now, I cannot accept your proposal. But if you love me -- and you honor my wishes -- in 24 months, I'd love to marry you."
Tailor Made defeated Ezra "Buddha" Masters, a model and personal trainer from Miami, FL, in their quest to win New York's heart. Earlier in the season, I Love New York producers disqualified Buddha for physically assaulting Tailor Made during a verbal confrontation the two were engaged in. New York subsequently reinstated Buddha into the competition -- apparently against producers' wishes -- because she felt he didn't leave on her terms.
"It's been a long journey, but it was all worth it," said Tailor Made. "In the end, I found the girl of my dreams."
I Love New York's finale episode began with New York, Buddha and Tailor Made traveling from Miami to Jamaica, where the final chain ceremony would be held. As soon as they arrived, New York opined about how she wished she could mesh Buddha's physique with Tailor Made's buying power.
"I wish I could combine them," said New York. "God just won't let me."
As the three ate dinner, Buddha started staring at New York, causing her to comment that he was really getting into her head. Buddha then sweet-talked New York and bad-mouthed Tailor Made, who had a hard time choosing his words. When New York asked Tailor Made why he was right for her, he answered because they're "distinctively different." He changed his answer to because they "complete each other," which New York thought made him sound like an actor.
Feeling as though the dinner couldn't have gone any worse, Tailor Made stole some alone time with New York and presented her with a jewelry box... which was empty.
"I didn't have a chance to get anything, but I wanted an excuse to come up here and be with you," explained Tailor Made.
New York was touched, describing the gesture as "sweet, clever, conniving and risky." The two walked and held hands on the beach as the hour grew late, and Buddha stewed in the resort room he was sharing with Tailor Made.
"That snake -- spineless ameba -- just stole a night with New York," opined Buddha.
The next morning Tailor Made was feeling confident until he learned New York would be taking Buddha for a one-on-one date. The two visited a plantation where they were met by horses, which she's terrified of (One would think they'd stop making New York ride horses). When the horses they were riding ventured into the water, New York freaked and wanted off. Buddha calmed her down by having her focus on Jamaica's beauty.
Tailor Made was going stir crazy back at the resort. He received a knock on the door and was met by Sister Patterson, who continued to express her concerns about Buddha's violent past. Patterson encouraged Tailor Made to be strong, giving him a pep talk and a slap in the face. Tailor Made saw it as a "wake-up call."
Buddha and New York ate lunch, and things seemed to be going swimmingly.
"There was nothing but her and I and the love between the two of us," said Buddha. "I could see Tiff and I together forever."
It was then time for a romantic ocean side dinner, and not surprisingly, drama ensued.
"I still have concerns," New York told Buddha, who said he loved her but was not in love with her.
"He's not making any sense to me!" said New York. "I don't know what the hell he's talking about!"
The two argued about the semantics of loving somebody and being in love with somebody before it escalated into a full-blown argument. Buddha contended he's not in love with New York because she won't trust him and resorted to calling her "blind."
"I am so disappointed with you," New York told Buddha.
She then asked Buddha if he wanted to leave to "test him," and he failed when he said "yes" and started to walk away.
"You want to know something? F**k you!" said New York as a parting shot.
It didn't last, as Buddha quickly came back and explained he wasn't leaving her.
"I can admit that I'm in love with Buddha, even though he's not in love with me," said New York. "But I think he can be.... I think he is in love with me. He's just afraid to admit it right now."
The next day New York went on a one-on-one date with Tailor Made, and the two arrived at a cafe and watched some cliff divers. Tailor Made decided he'd give it a shot to "prove" his love for New York. He held his nose as he plunged into the water -- and despite laughing hysterically as it happened -- New York saw it as "manly."
Patterson then arrived at the resort to talk with Buddha.
"My God... She's followed us to Jamaica!" said Buddha.
Patterson question Buddha's anger issues, and he admitted he had anger issues when he was younger. While he assured Patterson he can "control and restrain" the anger, it "never dies." Needless to say, Patterson was still concerned.
New York and Tailor Made enjoyed dinner together and he told her he loves her; can't picture his life without her; and is the happiest when they're together. Visibly nervous, Tailor Made then proposed marriage to New York with a diamond engagement ring.
"I can't believe Tailor Made just proposed to me!" said a shocked New York. "I don't know if I can deal with this. I have so many bad memories of [original I Love New York winner Patrick "Tango" Hunter]."
New York quickly pulled herself together and realized there was an out -- Tailor Made was still legally married to his estranged wife Nancy. New York expressed concern that Tailor Made was addicted to falling in love and then not making the relationship work. New York quickly got the hell out of there to presumably smoke a pack of cigarettes and contemplate what just went down.
Tailor Made said he felt like he was going to cry, and even though New York didn't answer with a yes, she also didn't say no. Still, he wondered if everything was "moving too fast" for her.
The next morning, New York presented the guys with gift watches as they prepared for the final chain ceremony. She thought about her final decision one last time and said she could see herself with both Tailor Made and Buddha.
I Love New York's final chain ceremony then commenced, and she began by thanking Patterson for all of her help during the journey. Instead of gushing about what a difficult decision this was for her, New York told Tailor Made and Buddha her decision was "pretty clear."
She called Tailor Made a wonderful man who's generous and spoils her rotten, but she quickly added she thought he lacks a backbone. New York described Buddha as cocky, arrogant and always pissing her off, however she's still drawn to him because their relationship is fiery and passionate. New York then showed Buddha the engagement ring, and he thought she was proposing to him.
"Buddha, are you in love with me?" she asked.
"As much as I want to say no, I am," answered Buddha.
New York then dropped the bomb that the engagement ring was actually from Tailor Made, and Buddha felt "gullible" because he wasn't able to make the connection on his own.
"I love you Tailor Made. That's no lie, I really do love you," said New York. "But I'm sorry, I can't accept your proposal."
Tailor Made thought his chance at a relationship with New York had just gone out the window, sure she was going to select Buddha.
"Buddha... I love you. But I'm not in love with you," said New York. "I'm in love with Tailor Made."
New York explained there's "fire" in her relationship with Buddha, but she's "always at odds" with him because they're both "very dominant" and always "bump heads."
Somewhat surprisingly, Buddha took the defeat in stride. He embraced New York and congratulated her and also shook Tailor Made's hand before exiting.
"So basically, [New York] said [Tailor Made] is a spineless, mindless individual... and he wins?" wondered Buddha. "If I have to be spineless and mindless to be with this woman, it would have never worked anyway."
"Tailor Made did exactly what he needed to do to win my heart," said New York. "Yeah he spit on somebody. Yeah he got f**king slapped. But so what! He did exactly what it took to win my heart, and that's why Tailor Made is my king... So there's one thing that I'm sure of: That Tailor Made loves New York, and New York loves Tailor Made!"
Although the move violated the show's rules, New York moved in with Tailor Made and his 12-year-old daughter Asia shortly after the show stopped filming over the summer, the New York Post reported Tuesday.
"I think the best thing to say is that Tiffany and I don't necessarily follow the rules," Tailor Made boasted to the Post. "It's always bewildered me how people end up finding their 'soul mate' on a reality show, but then they stay separated for months until the finale airs. I'm all for respecting the integrity of the show, but if you love someone, you can't let anything or any one come between you."
While the two tried to keep their romantic relationship a secret for as long as possible, the Post reported New York and Tailor Made were spotted "canoodling" last weekend in at least two Manhattan nightclubs.
VH1 plans to air an I Love New York second-season reunion show -- which filmed two weeks ago -- next month, according to the Post.
Tailor made is the best choice cause he buys 1000 panties and he is not cheap
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