The seven judges then convened to question the two couples and to see how they should vote. Mike and Krista both targeted TD as they blamed her for their demise the night before. Both got an answer they didn’t expect and that was TD apologizing and basically saying she didn’t push Ryan to vote them out but he agreed with her that was the move to make. James’ comment got a few jaws to drop as he asked Steph if she was “sleeping her way to the top” since she “crushed” with both finalists: Ryan and Zack. The said she didn’t but it just seemed to end up that way. Myrna’s question once again brought up Zack’s mention of why he would be mean to her. He told her it was done to make sure people didn’t believe the two were together. He said they all hated her so he had to hate her to “fit it”, she didn’t like that too much.
The four were then given the chance to say one final statement to all voters. Zack was first and let them all know that he was loyal to everyone he gave his word to and everyone that gave their word was loyal to him. Stephanie was up first and gave a really good reason why people should vote for her and Zack. She let each of them know what she will take back with her and how they changed her since she entered the hotel. TD was next and gave a very tear filled speech as to why she played the game the way she did. She was right as she shouldn’t feel guilty that she is in the finals and that she shouldn’t feel guilty for speaking her mind and I think some of the judges were swayed by this. Ryan was last to go and actually had something to say. He only spoke to Krista and Mike, the two he hurt the most, and let them know he is sorry. He wasn’t asking for their vote but only asking them to forgive him.
That night it was then time to crown the winner and that the judges did. Each were asked to pick the couple they want to see win the grand prize and in a close vote of 4 - 3, Zack and Stephanie were crowned the winners of Paradise Hotel 2. Like the previous season the win came with a twist as TD and Ryan were given the power to crown only one winner between Stephanie and Zack. That winner would receive an envelope containing the prize. Although it seemed they would pick Stephanie, both decided to give Zack the title of winner of Paradise Hotel. He was then shocked with another twist that allowed him to split the money between himself and two others in any amount he chose. He was given $200,000 to either keep or he could split it between one or two other people from the judges and the other final players.
After some deliberation Zack made his chose and decided to split his prize money between both TD and Stephanie. He gave TD $20,000 and then split the remaining between himself and Stephanie evenly. This gave both Stephanie and Zack $90,000 each and also gave them the share in the win. That concludes Paradise Hotel 2 and the drama that came along with it. I was kind of surprised to see Zack win after coming back into the game for a third time and then so generously splitting his money. It was a great run for the show and hopefully it will be back for a third season. If you aren’t done with Paradise Hotel 2 yet you can catch the reunion on Fox Reality. Once I see it I’ll be sure to rehash all that went down!
Good day !.
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